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  • Writer's pictureChristy Masco

Rick Simpson Has Entered The Chat

Updated: May 25, 2021

The guy in this picture is Rick Simpson. I had never heard of him or his oil, but apparently if you partake in any type of THC product, then you likely know who he is and you've heard of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).

RSO, is a cannabis concentrate used for many different medical benefits, including relieving cancer symptoms. There is even some, albeit not much, scientific evidence that RSO can shrink and/or eliminate some cancers. It has a thick, syrupy consistency and can be applied as a topical or ingested in food or drinks.

There are tens of thousands of articles about RSO. This one explains that "in 2003, Rick Simpson created a cannabis oil after three suspicious bumps on his arm turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. Simpson had used cannabis to treat medical issues in the past, so he made a cannabis oil to treat his skin cancer topically, applying it to a bandage and covering the cancerous spots.

Within days, the cancerous growths disappeared. Although his physician refused to acknowledge cannabis as a treatment alternative, Simpson became a true believer in the medicinal powers of cannabis and spread the word of his cannabis oil, later called RSO after him."

Mom has a medical marijuana card from her last bout with cancer, shoulder surgery, and neck surgery, so we made sure she had a supply of RSO to help with the horrible nausea we were anticipating. We were also hopeful it could potentially shrink or eliminate the microscopic cancer particles that were swimming through her lymphatic system.

A dear friend who is "educated in this area" recommended we give her 1/4 of the goo-filled 5" long tube. It was suggested that we put it in a tiny piece of bread and roll it into a ball, similar to the vanilla and bread dough balls my dad had taught me to use when he'd take me fishing as a kid.

Knowing that my very vanilla mom's tolerance was nil, I opted to give her between 1/5 - 1/6 of the tube, instead of the recommended 1/4. She popped the little dough ball and washed it down with water, and we waited.

About an hour later, she said her shoulder wasn't hurting anymore, and she wasn't feeling any nausea at all. I waited another hour before heading home, and I thought that would be the last I'd hear from my parents for the night.

Cue Bob Dylan.

I wasn't home for ten minutes when my dad called to tell me my mom was higher than a kite. She was literally stuck in her chair, eating snacks and requesting more snacks. She was shouting at him that she was high, and spelling out the word "high."

This went on for a couple of hours, and he said she was just getting higher and higher. I started a group text with Hannah, AJ, and Dylan to see if the Gen X/Gen Z crowd had any pointers.

A little research revealed that we should've given her a dose the size of HALF A GRAIN OF RICE. She had at least 20 times that. Oh boy. It was about to be a very long, long night in their house.

The good news is that she ate, slept almost 14 hours, and she never got nauseated.

She called me the next morning, and asked, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

Next time, she gets half a grain of rice. Thanks Rick Simpson.

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Michelle Rua
Michelle Rua
Jun 11, 2021

These little moments like this, and finding humor in them along the way, go far in helping ease a long journey. Thanks for sharing them :)

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